This Week In Brooklin History

110 years ago this week
January 6, 1888
More Oratorio Controversy

From the January 6, 1888 Whitby Chronicle:


Messrs. Frank and Clarence Starr are spending their vacation at home.

Mr. Victor Campbell of Cobourg University, is visiting friends here.

Miss Jessie Campbell of Oshawa is visiting her cousin Miss Campbell.

Mr. Noah and Will Luke from Toronto spent Sunday and Monday at home.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Pirie returned on Monday night from their wedding tour. They visited friends at Belleville, Foxboro, Campbellford etc., we welcome them back and wish them every happiness.

Young people, to the number of about twenty, accepted an invitation given by Miss Lulie Campbell, to a party on Wednesday evening last. Whitby, Oshawa and our own burg were well represented. Miss Campbell with her usual geniality entertained all present.

Mr. S. F. and R. Johnson of Columbus had their grist and flouring mills overhauled and remodled. They have put in the latest and improved machinery and are prepared to manufacture flour by the patent process. Gristing and chopping a specialty. Mr. Ellis, a first class miller formerly of Prince Albert, has the management. There is a good surrounding country and they will do a rushing business.

Another letter appeared in the “Times” last week dealing with my correspondence of the previous week in your paper. “Spice” number one got more than he could stand and does not like to own the corn. It is just like him to try and place on other shoulders the burden he should carry; but it is useless for him to try thus to get out of it, being known too well for that.

Spice number two or Spice & Co., introduces a number of slang phrases and their letter is a repetition from beginning to end. They again charge me with abusing the choir and hope they will not take offence. The choir would be certainly very foolish to do so without cause. I have nothing against them, as a choir and have buried no abuse. If they take offence at all it will at their silly writing and actions.

They appear to have the “Oratorio” on the brain and their minds being so narrow and contracted they cannot contain more than one idea at a time. Would Spice number two kindly announce when he is going to sing Mr. and Mrs. Brown and the Brooklinites will guarantee a good house, provided he sings it but once.

My nerves are not very much shaken. It would take an army of such as Spice and his assistants to effect me very materially. I would advise Spice number two to dissolve the partnership and not do the mud throwing for “Spice” or he may get hit. Knowing that it is a great drain on their mental capacity and that the real “Spice” is aspiring for public office and will require all his time and ability to get there, I will cease, wishing them a happy new year.

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