This Week In Brooklin History

110 years ago this week
January 27, 1888
In Search of a Californian Fortune

From the January 27, 1888 Whitby Chronicle:


Dr. Starr is getting some better.

Mr. I. Whitesmith has arrived in town again and opened out a stock of jewellery.

Mr. Van Woodruff of Toronto, formerly of the Globe Hotel here, was in town on business Monday.

Dr. Vanzant gave us a call on Tuesday on his way to Oshawa. He intends locating there having left Stouffville.

The R. T. of T. hold an open meeting on Monday evening next. Good programme. Members are at liberty to bring a friend or so each.

There is to be a soiree at the Presbyterian church Columbus next Tuesday evening. A number of young ladies are going to take the advantage of leap-year and are already looking up horses and cutters to take the young men over.

The Presbyterians have started a series of meetings in the basement of the church. They will be conducted this week by the pastor and if continued longer, some outside help is expected. There is considerable interest being taken in the meetings.

Those who attended Mr. Campbell’s lecture on Friday night were highly delighted. It was interesting and instructive to young and old. It was a pity some other night had not been selected as there were so many entertainments billed for that evening.

Mr. John Trigg of Dunville, California, is visiting friends in this vicinity. He has been out there four years and is very much taken up with the country and the prospects for young men. He starts back in about ten days accompanied by Mr. Thos. Brummell who also goes in search of a fortune.

The social at the Baptist church on Friday evening last was well attended. The chair was occupied by John Dryden M.P.P. The pastor Rev. J. F. Barker and Rev. Mr. Arthur delivered appropriate addresses. The Whitby choir was present and gave some fine selections. “Little Florence” or better known as Miss Florence Butland of Oshawa, delighted those present with a number of comic solos. She sings well with perfect confidence without affectation. Mr. Dryden, Mrs. Jos. Holman, Miss Pearson and Miss Dryden also assisted in the programme. Tea was served in the basement of the church during intermission.

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